Crashing of eSim on running rc simulation

as soon as i run the very basic simulation of a rc circuit the whole software crashes.

i am putting here the whole log of the crash

Starting eSim…
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Default workspace selected : C:\Users\ramak\eSim-Workspace
Function: Open Kicad to Ngspice Converter
Function : Validating for Kicad components
Function: Open Kicad to Ngspice Converter
Function : Validating for Kicad components
Function: Open Kicad to Ngspice Converter
Function : Validating for Kicad components

Kicad to Ngspice netlist converter

.title KiCad schematic
v1 in GND sine
C1 out GND 1u
U1 in plot_v1
U2 out plot_v1
R1 in out 1k
UnknownModelList Used in the Schematic

Multiple Model XML file with same name

UnknownModelList Used in the Schematic

Multiple Model XML file with same name

convertICIntoBasicBlocks called, from Processing

SCHEMATICINFO [‘v1 in gnd sine’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
PLOTTEST [‘plot v(in)’, ‘plot v(out)’]

Analysis file is present

Content of Analysis file : .tran 5e-03 30e-03 0e-03

SourceList line: [0, ‘v1 in gnd sine’, ‘sine’, ‘Add parameters for sine source v1’, ’ Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): ', ’ Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): ', ’ Enter frequency (Hz): ', ’ Enter delay time (seconds): ', ’ Enter damping factor (1/seconds): ']

v1 in gnd sine

c1 out gnd 1u

  • u1 in plot_v1
  • u2 out plot_v1
    r1 in out 1k
    Netlist After Adding Source details : [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    Netlist After Adding Ngspice Model : [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    Netlist After Adding Microcontroller Model : [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    No library added in the schematic
    Netlist After Adding Device Model Library : [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    No Subcircuit Added in the schematic
    Netlist After Adding subcircuits : [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    FILEOPEN CONVERT ANALYS C:\Users\ramak\eSim-Workspace\RC\analysis
    Analysis OutPut None
    [‘v1 in gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)’, ‘c1 out gnd 1u’, ‘* u1 in plot_v1’, ‘* u2 out plot_v1’, ‘r1 in out 1k’]
    Creating Final netlist
    Argument to ngspice: [‘-b’, ‘-r’, ‘C:\Users\ramak\eSim-Workspace\RC\RC.raw’, ‘C:\Users\ramak\eSim-Workspace\RC\RC.cir.out’]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “frontEnd\”, line 434, in open_ngspice
    File “frontEnd\”, line 131, in ngspiceEditor
    File “ngspiceSimulation\”, line 32, in init
    File “frontEnd\”, line 27, in init
    File “PyQt5\”, line 226, in loadUi
    File “PyQt5\uic\Loader\”, line 72, in loadUi
    File “PyQt5\uic\”, line 1013, in parse
    File “xml\etree\”, line 1196, in parse
    File “xml\etree\”, line 586, in parse
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘TerminalUi.ui’

@ramakant , please reinstall the software the following these installation steps or try using eSim 2.3.